Tech Tip #2 - Undermount Apron Sink Installation

Aug 22, 2024

Apron sinks, also known as farm sinks, are a very popular alternative to the basic undermount sink. They are taller, deeper, and they have a waterproof apron front which is ideal for cleaning large cookware. The image below depicts the most common way an apron sink is installed which is over a full width base cabinet under the countertop. These sinks need to fit and be placed inside the sink base during the cabinet installation before the counter tops are templated and installed.

There's two ways to handle an apron sink installation:
First, you can order a custom cabinet and deduct the height of the sink. Then you will only have to cut the top for feed and drain holes and the sink will sit on top of the cabinet until it is fastened to the top and that's it.

Second, in the case where a custom cabinet isn't available, a generic apron sink base will have to be cut on the installer end to fit the sink. Moreover, there will likely be space between the doors and sink as per the picture below and that space can be filled later with an overlay filler or piece of stock.

Solid sinks, like the one in the example below, will require the sides of a stock cabinet are notched the same height as the front and the depth of the sink less the front overhang whereas lighter stainless-steel sinks are usually hollow on the sides and don’t require notching. Due to the weight of these large sinks when they are filled with water, it is highly recommended that the sides and back of the sink are supported by cleats made from 2 x 4’s and ¾” plywood support cleats.



When you start an installation and the job gets an apron sink, most of the time, it won’t be on the job. The good news is most installations take multiple days to complete, so get with the Super, designer, or whoever is providing the sink on day one.

Thank you for reading and keep building!

- The Cabinet Talk Team

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